Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Yakshagana Dance From Karnataka

Yakshagana is the principal traditional theatre of Karnataka and is practiced widely in the coastal districts of the state. It draws upon epic and religious lore for its content - The MAhabharata, Ramayana, Bhagavatha or Puranas - and chooses its episodes or prasangas particularly for the moral instruction they hold for common folk. The prasangas are enacted with great vigour using a most appealing mis of music, dance, improvised speech and dazzling costume. In all these aspects as in its language of gesture and expression and make-up, Yakshagana has evolved to High artistic distinction since it took shape around the sixteenth century. There are today some forty Yakshagana repertory companies or mandalis, giving around two hundred performances individually every year.
You can get more information about this dance here

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